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  • Writer's pictureVince Tee

Hmm... You touch my Kai'Sa-Sa

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

Hi guys! This is the deck I mentioned last weekend with which I climbed from Gold IV 0 to Plat, including conception, crash tests, optimisation and learning the tier 1 decks I only discovered when reaching Gold I.

This deck revolves around Kai'Sa

Kai'Sa has been released in the latest expansion of the World Walkers "cycle" and is what you would call a keyword hoarder, the more you get, the more she has. The more she has, the happier you are.

With that in mind top players started working around what the best list for this champion could be. And they came up with this:


The idea is to be able to pile up 5 keywords (Kai'Sa bringing her own Quick Attack), here with Demacia's rally, barrier and scout added to the region's ability to buff/keep alive their units.

With that in mind, to build a decent Kai'Sa we are looking mostly for one thing: units with at least 2 keywords to evolve rapidly. We then add the perks of the region we go for afterwards. On that line of thought I got wondering what to build Kai'Sa with. That is when the man with a moustache got my attention.

Braum contributes 3 (!) keywords on his own. Challenger, Regeneration and Overwhelm once he takes a hit and the Mighty Poro pops up. He costs 4, which works nicely in the curve up to Kai'Sa. And he brings a nice Challenger to Kai'Sa's quick attack. Regeneration being a nice bonus should you want to defend with Kai'Sa or Braum himself.

Cool, cool, cool. We have a combination in a region that also brings frostbite and...

Overwhelm (again) and tough! Two cool keywords! On one character! That is perfect. Between Braum, the Ruthless Raider and the Xer'Sai Hatchling we have enough cards that bring multiple keywords at once and we can start putting a list together.


This is the list I finish my climb to plat with. It still has room for optimisation.

I am not sure about:

  • Stalking Wolf - it brings a nice challenger for 2 cost. I don't regret it, but I wonder what else could go in.

  • Hothead - there is sense in there as it gives keywords, but really it's more the statline I am interested in. It's pretty solid.

  • 2x Three Sisters - it should probably be x3. Frostbite to neutralise a rallying unit or Frozen Tomb to remove a blocker in front of our overwhelm is quite good

  • 1x Void abomination: it feels like it should be more of it but I can't find room for this expensive unit. If you can, go for it!

  • I don't know too well what to think about the Voidlings. It feels like they are important and at the same time it will regularly prop a useless keyword or one you already have... I don't know if another 1-cost unit has an always useful keyword it might be worth putting it in.

  • Not so much something I am not sure about but I do like Troll Gifts. It sometimes is a nice 6th keyword and often a nice +2/+2 on Braum/Kai'Sa for durability or surprise aggression.

Voila voila, the deck really is about the champions, that's why you'll find 2 entreats added to it, the champions' spells are not too bad on top of it. Kai'Sa (and the abomination) definitely are the finishers of the deck, that's why finding room for more of these would be nice, if you can do so :).

Let me know if you have any questions and have fun!

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