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  • Writer's pictureVince Tee

Time bomb! Time Bomb! You're a time bomb!

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

Hi guys! I should have written this one some time ago, but better late than never isn't it :)? It might be a short one as a result of the delay as I am not as onto that deck as I was a few weeks back.

Last time we looked into Ekko and since then we have gotten some support for his time traveling friend: Zilean \o/ !

Rite of passage can have many applications: from re-summoning the Ravenbloom Conservatory to having a few more stuns in a Taliyah/Malphite deck with Eye of the Ra-Horak or really any landmark with countdown you fancy. But here we are looking into its intended application: Time Bombs.

And I wanted to go crazy with it. Create as many of them as you can and watch as your opponent's nexus withers away to nothingness.

A few key cards for that:

- Practical Perfectionist

- Evil Imperfectionist

- Counterfeit Copies

You get the gist:

- Step 1 create Time Bombs in your deck

- Step 2 multiply them by playing one of the 3 cards above or playing Rite of Passage

- Step 3 win (maybe)

From you also add the classic predict package from PNZ and a touch a draw and that's where we land:


This is really just a base. I have toyed with having something else than Ekko in the deck, after a few tests it feels like Ziggs is a good addition. He has decent stats and some synergy with the Time Bombs. Other potential champs could be:

- Xerath (decent stats and Time Bombs synergy)

- Viktor (levels up with the time bombs you play and reduces their cost once there on top of having the potential to become a big threat of his own)

- No one. Just play 3 Rite of Calling to give yourself more chances to see Zilean (probably the most competitive option).

A few notes:

- Rite of passage is stronger than Time Bombs once enabled as it can use spell mana, when given the choice, create of copies of that instead of Time Bombs

- Hexite Crystal is stronger than Time Bombs but it's drop rate is of course lower. I don't know yet if you're better off waiting to find a crystal to copy to start this circus or straight away create copies of the Fallen Feline...

- I am of 2 minds for Feral Prescience. On one side it's burst and costs 0, on the other it really doesn't do anything else than predict... Could be replaced by another predict effect if you wanted.

- Lvl 2 Zilean IS strong. But it is more important to create time bombs with him than to level him up. At the beginning of the game, if you have 2 Zileans in hand, you will prefer to play and let die the first one in order to play the second and create 4 more Time Bombs in your deck

- It is fun to end the game with more than 40 cards left in your draw deck ^^.

Good to know: a streamer named Snnuy has enjoyed playing this archetype a lot and his decklists as probably way better than mine ^^. You can find his video about the deck here.

Have fun and let me know if you have any questions!

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