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  • Writer's pictureVince Tee

You're my Jhin-ie in a MF bottle baby

Updated: May 9, 2023

Ok guys, I have loved Worldwalkers. This is probably the best set release since I started playing Legends of Runeterra 18 months ago.

As you know, amongst the cards released in that extension we find Jhin:

Establishing himself in tier 1 when paired with Annie I personally have mostly enjoyed pairing him with Champions/Regions that can bring a massively satisfying pay-off at the end of the game:

You can find below one of the two decks I have had the most fun with when playing Jhin. There has been many more iterations and there are many more better decks out there but god, these pay-offs were good :D !



Ok so, when asking the question "how to fill in the spell lane as much as possible?" there are a few answers and one of them is Riptide Rex.

Recently buffed, Riptide Rex also belongs to a region that naturally lends itself well to Jhin's general play style. It does mean we lose a little bit of the added fire-power we can get by bringing cards we would not normally be able to pair up due to deckbuilding restrictions, but it also means we get more natural synergy between the units in the deck and the events that will accompany them.

You will realise this deck very much feels like a burn deck where you will either end the game up by the big pay-off or by having your last units' abilities finishing the opponent's nexus as they die in battle.

There is wiggle room in the list, especially around the 3-cost cards where there are quite a few options available. I do like the Avarosan Marksman as the ping often means you can reduce your opponent's board by pinging a small unit or finish a bigger one off, making room for Riptide Rex to truly shine in the end game.

Tip 1: You generally want to have an early game where you can deal some early damage to your opponent whilst trading 1 for 1 with their units.

Tip 2: Jhin is often better on the board. Be mindful of where you place him in your attack line as you will want his attack ability to be resolved after the stun provided by the Lotus Trap. The Crakshot Corsair and MF's abilities will always join the spell line before any of the "Attack Skills". Make sure to factor that in your calculations, use the eye as much as necessary. Tip 3: Jhin's stun ability is definitely one to keep an eye on. Your opponent's board will often be quite reduced as you trade and have some removal spells in the list, which means Jhin's stun will only hit harder. I do find it works really well in defense. Keep an eye on the Lotus Trap's count and see how you can use it most effectively.

Please have fun with the deck and let me know if you have any questions about it!

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